Cathy & Eric's Wedding September, 27, 2008

My sister and sister in-law entertained me as I requested that they come up for a hair pretrial when I couldn't decide what I wanted to do for their hairs. My sister Heidi was my maid of honor and Linh was one of the bridemaids out of four.
They both were good sports as I tested out various styles and this is the look I ended up choosing for my big day as it went very well with the classic vintage theme I wanted. I had also created feather facinators for all the BMs and this accompanied the look very well.

Views from the front, side and back. Heidi is wearing the feather facinator I created for them to wear on our wedding day.
In the first photo of the updo above, Linh is also showcasing these beads I made and we decided not to use them because it didn't match the feather hairpieces.